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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Natural Food Works: Davis Gfree Bakery

Hello all!
I was rummaging through my freezer today and happened to stumble upon some frozen baguettes from Natural Food Works, a gfree bakery located in Davis, CA. Seeing as how I haven't reviewed this kitchen's products yet, I thought I would take the chance to talk a bit about them!

I was actually introduced to this small company and their products from my good friend who works at the UC Davis dining commons as the food manager (big shout out to Weilan, my best buddy! :) ). At their DC's, there is a small refrigerator that houses all sorts of gfree goodies that students can eat when they swipe in. Of course, I was jumping up and down with excitement when I saw this since most of Berkeley's DC's don't have this luxury. 

I periodically get a haul of leftover gfree food that will be thrown out if no one takes it, so I, of course, willingly offer my freezer for storage! ;) 

Since then, I've tried quite a few products from this bakery and have some thoughts about them. So, without further ado....

Cinnamon roll! :)
1. Cinnamon roll- 5 stars
-Great texture and taste; not overbearingly sweet and tastes even better after microwaving 30 sec then letting them sit in the toaster to get crispy around the edges and all warm and gooey in the middle. Oooo yummmy :)  

2. Baguette- 1 star
-Honestly, I was a bit disappointed with this bread. The taste didn't really light my taste buds on fire, and it doesn't toast amazing. The outside crust is an interesting rosemary flavor (I love rosemary, but I wasn't digging this taste). It's also pretty crumbly. I would take Mariposa's dinner rolls any day to this.  

3. Apple Pie- 4.5 stars  

-Who doesn't love pie? I seriously missed me some warm apple pie fresh from the bakery, but this gfree replacement will make up for that craving! The pie crust itself has a pretty nice buttery taste and when lightly toasted, the overall flavor was really similar to the old pies that I enjoyed in the past. Definitely recommend this to anyone who misses some old fashioned pie! Only complaint is that there's a top crust, but no bottom crust!
Why that is, I have no clue. But, nevertheless, this apple pie is still pretty darn good. A side note: the pie comes in small containers instead of a whole pie. I'm certain you can buy a whole pie at the store location though! 

4. Carrot Cake- 5 stars
-I'm not the biggest fan of carrot cake, but the gfree version from Natural Food Works makes me think otherwise! Their carrot cake has a wonderful texture (similar to the inside of banana bread) and the frosting is simply sweet! 

5. Mushroom/Squash Ravioli- 3.5 stars
-I have mixed feelings about this product. The first time I had them, the ravioli filling burst out when I put them in boiling water from the frozen state, so I was stuck with a boiling pile of pasta bits and filling soup. It looked pretty gross. But I found out that the problem was that these raviolis have a very short shelf life. I realized this when I tried a different batch that was fresher, and the result was significantly better. If you plan on trying these, I would buy them fresh and eat asap. They really don't do that well if frozen for too long. The dough is a little chewy but the filling is tasty for both flavors. I would try them only if you can buy these fresh and if you plan to have them for a meal very soon after you purchase them.  

6. Brownie- 5 stars
-I love brownies! These brownies have a great fudge texture and no bean taste that lots of gfree brownies have. This is due to the fact that they use brown rice flour which has a great flavor and no nasty aftertaste. I highly recommend this if you have chocolate cravings like I do! (I can't live without my chocolate!!)   

7. Sugar cookies- 2 stars
- Maybe I give this the low rating because they didn't really do it for me, but there could be other reasons why these didn't make it to my top rated sugar cookies. These cookies were crumbly and overly salty for some reason- I mean, they're sugar cookies, why the hell are they so salty?? Ahem. Anyway, I would rather bake my own gfree cookies than eat these again. I ended up eating two and throwing the rest away. These could perhaps be better tasting if baked fresh at the bakery, but I don't expect to be eating these again anytime soon. 

Anyway, that's all I've tried so far. I might update this post again with Part 2 if I happen to try some other goods from their bakery/kitchen. These are only my personal experiences with these products, and so I encourage you to try them yourself and let me know what you think. I hope if you do try some of the products that I rated poorly, that your experience will be loads better! 

Until next post,

Monday, June 18, 2012

Sticky Situations #3: What to do when you crave gluten

If you're a steadfast gfreer like me, you'll have no doubt come across the all encompassing temptation of the gluten goodies.

Yep, you know what I'm talking about.

Imagine a scene of you with a dish of fresh baked cookies sitting on the table. The aromatic scent of the cookies rises up into your nose causing your mouth to immediately start watering. You glance longingly at the cookies. The deliciously round disks of sugary flour are a perfect golden brown tinge and the ridges and cracks on its buttery surface make it look all the more appetizing. You imagine the taste in your mouth, the feel of the dough across your tongue and the crunching sound you hear as you chew slowly and deliberately, savoring the golden flavor. The cookie beckons for you to come closer. Soon, the urge to satisfy your craving are becoming too much to handle.

Probably not gfree choco chip cookies... but they do look oh so good

Before you know it, your hand has already reached out and that gluten filled cookie is heading closer and closer towards your mouth. You know its wrong and you try to reason with yourself in your head. But all reason flies out the window when the cookie hits your tongue and the familiar flavors that you enjoyed in the past come rushing back to you. Before you know it, the cookie is gone. The craving is satisfied... but at what price?

Okay, so I know the scene above is highly dramatized, but seriously, there's a pretty intense battle going on in my head every time I see ANY delicious, great smelling gluten filled dessert or bread. Sometimes when I see my own family members eating it in front of me, it's really hard to say no. There have even been times when my mom has jokingly told me that I can eat it and then spit it out or lick it just to taste the flavor.  I can't tell you how many times I've been tempted by the offer!

So what's the big deal? Why not eat a little bit just to satisfy a craving? Just a little bit shouldn't hurt, right? 

This is absolutely, positively wrong!  

No matter HOW much you are tempted by the gluten, you have to learn and accept that gluten isn't a friend. Gluten will cause damage to your intestine and hurt your body. No matter how great the craving, the pain in the end isn't worth it, my friend. I guarantee this. 

I know by word of mouth some people who have celiacs but still eat an occasional pizza or cake just to satisfy the craving. Plus, I'm sure it doesn't help when you see a bunch of people around you enjoying what you can't have. It's a drag, really.

But, I'm telling you now to do yourself and your body a favor and just don't eat it. You're doing much more than just satisfying a little craving. A little now can become just a little bit more the next time, and slightly larger the next time, and the next time after that, and the next time after that, and..... you get what I mean. Reintroducing gluten after you've gone on the diet is simply counterproductive. Going on the gfree diet isn't something to be taken lightly, although many people who don't have to eat gfree sometimes don't understand this very important fact. With celiacs, "cheating" by eating some occasional gluten should not be allowed if you want your body to heal from all the damage.

Of course, cross contamination is the hardest aspect of the gfree diet to avoid, but I'm talking about the premeditation of choosing to eat gluten and executing that action by your own will just for the sake of satisfying a momentary craving.

So with all that said, what can you do to fight the urge? Here are some tips I've found useful in avoiding those nasty little gluten buggers!

1) Pain before gain. This common phrase can be put to good use in terms of avoiding gluten in a gluten-filled world. Every time you ingest some gluten, just know that you're gonna reap the consequences of your actions. Even though you gain the pleasure of eating that gluten snack to satisfy the momentary craving, just remember that the pain will follow very closely behind.

2) Just imagine it! I literally imagine whatever I'm eating go down and wreak havoc on my poor intestine. Just think about the poor villi being singed to death by the gluten and you'll never want to eat another gluten- filled crumb again.

3) Find a gfree buddy (or at least a friend, loved one, or family who you can trust to restrain you). Thank goodness my bestie T and I keep each other in check to prevent the temptation from taking over. Often times having someone next to you who supports you in your diet does wonders to help you avoid the very thing causing you pain.

4) Fill your tummy with safe, gfree food before tackling any situation where gluten may be present. If you find yourself heading out to eat with friends or if you're in any type of social situation where you believe gluten will be present (probably every time!) then make sure to eat beforehand if you're not sure if there will be gfree food. I've mentioned this in several posts before, but always bring a gfree snack in your bag or on your person just in case there's no food for you to eat wherever you happen to go. If you're full, chances are you'll be less likely to eat something that you'll regret later.

5) Challenge a non-gfree eater to eat gluten free with you for a week.  You'll have to scout someone exceptionally special for this task. Why? Because eating gfree for a non-gfree eater might be one of the hardest things they'll ever do. But, I promise you, this option is actually pretty fun and you might get it a kick out of it. Not only will you and your friend challenge each other to eat completely gfree and keep each other in check, but your non-gfree friend will also learn more about going gfree. Spreading awareness about celiac disease and gfree diets will not only raise awareness but also you'll have lots of great memories from the experience!

These are just some of many ideas to avoid gluten. I would love to hear your thoughts on how you avoid gluten or fight the temptation in your daily lives!

Live fully and healthily,

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Eating Out: Korean House Restaurant

Korean House Restaurant, San Francisco
Another adventure in the city with an old childhood friend and it was “fantastic baby"…Big Bang song reference…(Highly doubt anybody would’ve got that, unless you are a Kpop fan :P LOL).

Our little day adventure took us to San Francisco’s Union Square and Japan Town. Of course we had good eats in between window shopping and shopping at DaiSo, a Japanese dollar store!
Japan Town
Japan Town
 After walking about 2 miles from the Bart to Japan Town my friend and I were pretty famished so I was SO HAPPY to stumble upon Korean House Restaurant right across the street from J Town. I was a happy girl for sureJ.
Korean House Restaurant is such a homey place, great for an authentic Korean meal. We were welcomed in Korean and I just wished I knew a bit more Korean to correspond back. The ban chan that they served was delicious!  I had a few bites, but Celiacs should be aware that most Korean food contains wheat, at least what they serve in restaurants. The hot pepper paste (Gochujang) does contain wheat from the soy sauce and the malt or barley powder that they use.
 I ordered the Dolsot Bibimbap which comes served in a stone clay pot and it was piping hot! As long as you don’t add the Gochujang sauce the dish is naturally gluten free.

What Classic Dolsot Bibimbap is suppose to look like.
The Bibimbap was so delicious the crusty rice that forms at the bottom of the clay pot gets super crispy and flavorful as you mix all the meats and veggies together with the raw egg! I was so excited to dig in that I forgot to take a picture when it was first brought to the table, hence the crappy pictureL. 
My messed up Bibimbap... to eager to dig in
My friend ordered the Japchae which is traditionally made with lots of soy sauce so I just took some pictures of the deliciousness J

Ban Chan. YUM!
Hope you enjoyed the food pics!

We've also partnered with "Find Me Gluten Free" to spread awareness and share all the gfree love with everyone. Please check them out for other Gfree restaurants!


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Mariposa: artisan crafted gfree bakery!

I had a very pleasant surprise today when my coworker decided to take me along with her to a gluten free bakery! I was practically jumping up and down in my seat with excitement!

Traveling out of Berkeley and into Oakland, we finally arrived at a rustic brick building that had all the feel of an old-time bakery. Mariposa is what I like to call a "hidden gem." Unless you're looking for it, the shop is easily hidden among the streets of Oakland. But to those making the trek there, Mariposa is definitely worth the drive.
Outside of Mariposa! 
Inside Mariposa

Mariposa is a strictly gluten free bakery that serves freshly made bread, baguettes, pizza, pasta, cakes, and pastries. They also serve various gfree food items for breakfast and lunch as well as offer grab n' go sandwiches if you just want to pop in and get out for a quick on the go lunch. These sell quickly though, so if you're planning to stop by and grab some lunch, it's best to come early! They also have a bread schedule so if you want a particular type of bread you can either come in that day or pre-order what you want. Breads include: baguettes, sandwich rolls, sandwich bread, focaccia, multi-grain bread, hot dog buns, rosemary rolls, and cinnamon raisin bread.

We were able to try some samples, provided very generously by the owner and founder of Mariposa, and I can tell you now that the samples were so good, you can't tell it's gfree! Let me just say, their bread is INCREDIBLE! The texture is just like regular gluten filled artisan bread and the dough is soft and chewy-the way artisan bread should be. Their chocolate chip cookies are to die for. Seriously. We heard from the owner that the chocolate chip cookie recipe was being continuously tweaked for 5 years until they finally got the right balance of chewy and crunchy. That was probably the best chocolate chip cookie I've ever had!

The sumptuous samples! shown: whoopie pie, choco chip cookie, bread 
Inside the bakery!
I will say that price wise, Mariposa has decent prices for some items while others were on the higher end. For example, pastries usually start from $3.50 up while bread is from $7 up. In contrast, ravioli and bagels were on the higher end ranging from $10.50 and up. I took home 2 bags of dinner rolls (I just couldn't resist!) and I enjoyed them mightily for my evening supper. :)
Mariposa dinner rolls. aka: my dinner :) 

Needless to say, I will definitely be back with my gfree buddy, T, so she can also experience the sheer awesomeness of this bakery and so we can try more of their delicious baked goods. And the best part is that because its all gfree, we can totally indulge ourselves. Maybe a bit too much!

Hope my fellow gfreers also check this place out! Trust me, you won't regret it!! :)


More Info on Mariposa:
tel 510 595 0955
5427 Telegraph Ave, unit d3
Oakland, CA 94609

We've also partnered with "Find Me Gluten Free" to spread awareness and share all the gfree love with everyone. Please check them out!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Gfree Goodies: Popcornopolis

Roseville Galleria Location
I LOVE POPCORN. All types salty, savory, sweet, sweet & salty plus it’s naturally gluten free! Popcornopolis is an addiction guys so beware it is SO SO good, once you start eating it you can’t stop.

I’ve been gradually trying all the flavors and I have come to the conclusion that they are ALL good. My top picks is the Chicago 50/50 because you get the best of both worlds: the famous Caramel and Cheddar all in one, the Zebra is a fan favorite because everyone loves chocolate and popcorn, the Sourcream & Onion and Poppa Parmegiana are similar, but good and the rest of their gourmet popcorn are all decadent and luxurious.
Chicago 50/50 

Famous Zebra Popcorn

Premium Popcorn: Cupcake Flavor, which I highly recommend.
Whenever I go to the Galleria Mall in Roseville California I always have two mandatory stops: FOREVER21 and POPCORNOPOLIS.

Good stuff, good stuff go try some now! J

- T

Eat Outing: Azna Gluten Free Bakery

Azna Gluten Free Bakery: Cameron Park, California
Our second summer adventure took Kristen and me to a gluten free bakery in Cameron Park California. I was pretty psyched to visit Azna’s GF bakery because I’ve heard a lot of good things about their cakes and breads, but honestly their food did not blow my mind like I thought it would. To their credit we sorta came at a wonky time where they were running out of the fresh baked/made items.

Scones and Pastries
So what did eat? According to their website we had their “award winning lasagna” that is gluten and soy free. The verdict? It was okay. Not spectacular but not inedible either. Lasagna was flavorful but everything seemed a bit mushy. The bread served with the lasagna was delicious! It was a little chewy which was perfect for mopping up the lasagna sauce. 

Gfree and Soy Free Lasagna

About to Dig in!
The second item that we shared was the black bean wrap. And it was interesting. When you think about a “wrap” I don’t know about the rest of the world, but I personally think of a tortilla or some sort of flat bread that is wrapped around protein and veg. Well the black bean “wrap” was more like a salty short bread crust similar to pizza dough than anything else.

Black Bean "Wrap"

Chow time for Kristen!
 The dessert that I ordered to share was the double chocolate brownie. It looked SO decadent and delicious behind the counter, but I think that I can speak for both for us that the brownie sadly did not rock our world L

Double Chocolate Brownie: Looked so appetizing behind the counter.
The top layer of chocolate ganache was good but the rest of the brownie was super cake-y and gelatinous. It didn’t even taste very chocolate-y despite being called a “double chocolate brownie”.

So Ready
And Super Excited
But it was anticlimatic.

Looks very rich but it was thick and gelatinous
Top layer of ganache was nice and chocolate-y J
All in all, the food that we personally ordered was okay; would I order the same things again? Probably not; however, I would definitely want to try their other gluten free baked goods.
Hopefully the next time we visit Azna Gluten Free Bakery we will choose better!

Link to more Gfree restaurant reviews!
- Kris & T